8SZ - The Austrian Lake District - the inauguration
17 Jul 2017

We have to say good bye to the tough girls and boys. We hope you enjoyed it and of course it would be a pleasure seeing you again. You`ve been a fun group.
Thanks for everything
Ursula & Lukas
Edelweiss opened up a new adventure on 2 wheels - E-Bicycle Tours. Our first one - the Austrian Lake District - is about to start. Stay tuned...
Day 7: Bad Vigaun - Salzburg
Salt, the white gold, formed the area since centuries. The saltmine of Hallein is our highlight in the morning. Visit Hallein is a must. One of the most famous Christmas Carols was born in this lovely city. We pedal along the river Salzach towards Salzburg. What a wonderful trail directly on the river. Before we reach Mozart`s birthplace castle Hellbrunn invites us. Hellbrunn`s tricky fountain is famous and the castle as well as the garden was filmset for "Sound of Music".
we have to say good bye to Bad Vigaun and the Brunnauer familiy which hosted us for 2 days in their lovely hotel. A nice Spa, good food, a very special breakfast buffet with eggs from the chicken behind the hotel and last not least quiet rooms, spoilt us the last 2 days.
Dürrnberg and the oldest saltmine in the world was our morning destination.
we went deep into the mountain by train....
...and everybody listened carefully to the explanations of the guide
juhuuu - down it goes
Lukas left and on the right an example how you look like after beeing 10 years tourguide :-)
on the salt lake
and another slide, even longer
An unspectacular spot for a very spectacular occurrence. Hallein was home of Franz Xaver Gruber (1787-1863) who, together with Joseph Mohr, composed the carol „Silent Night“. Mohr penned the poem in 1816 and Gruber, a schoolteacher at the time, came up with the melody on his guitar. The museum tells the story oft he carol through documents and personal belongings. F.X. Gruber died in 1863 and his grave is still in front of his former domicilie today.
to say good bye is always a bit sad. Tamara did the final speech for the group.
Day 6: Bad Vigaun
Eisriesenwelten, billed as the world`s largest accessible ice caves are our destination. Concealed within the Tennengebirge mountain range is a system of caves over 40 km length containing a unique natural phenomenon. We absolutely needed to bring warm gear, boots, caps, gloves.
The castle Hohenwerfen is just around the corner and has an impressing falconry. But to do both, was a bit of a challenge time wise, but we managed it.
We arrived in Werfen and had the first views on this amazing castle
the girls entering this big refridgerator
taking pictures is not allowed, normally
some impressions from inside the cave
a big shark mouth
a dolphin?
outside in the warmth again we had a bit bite, because the next highlight was waiting already
is Sarah selling toilet paper?
Visitors experience a high-altitude encounter with the past at Hohenwerfen Fortress, a castle dating back over 900 years. This tall, jutting rock, high above the Salzachtal valley floor, offers a gusty view of the surrounding mountains
we are ready for the falcon show
An unforgettable highlight: spectacular flight demonstrations by the historic State Falconry Center, primarily showing indigenous raptors in free flight.
amazing birds
Day 5: Gosau - Bad Vigaun
Did you have a good breakfast? Hopefully! The day started with an ascent up to pass Gschütt. Turbo mode is needed! Majestic views to the Dachstein mountain range was our reward. Along the river Lammer we reached Voglau. An up again it goes! All`s right with the world up there: cow bells ringing, birds are singing, lonely farmhouses along the way, blooming meadows. Up and up it goes, turbo mode again. Beautiful views down into the valley and the Tennen mountain range. On top we put your windbreakers on, because we kind of flew down the next 10 km to Bad Vigaun. We are early in our hotel. After a shower and a break the Edelweiss shuttle brings us up to "Eagles nest", Hitlers summer residence, in an absolute spectacular location.
briefing time!!! We have to say good bye to Rainer and hello to Stephan
high up it goes and the Dachstein range always in the back
if you knew where to look, you could see the "Eagles nest"
a spectacular view from a spectacular road up to "Eagle`s nest" - the Königssee
Drucie and Sarah and the Königssee in the middle
finally we got it - Marillenknödel - apricot dumplings. Now we are missing Apfelstrudel and Kaiserschmarren. There will be a chance tomorrow
Day 4: Gmunden - Gosau
Today we heading south. We pedalled along the river Traun to Bad Ischl. The town is well known for the Kaiservilla, summer residence of the Austrian Emperor Franz Josef I. and his wife Elisabeth, better known at her nickname „Sissy“. Cafe Zauner at the riverside is a must, to try at least a Sachertorte or one of the other famous Austrian sweeties, like „Zaunerstollen“. In the afternoon we rode towards Hallstätter See. The Hallstätter See is one of the prettiest of the region. The cycling trail is chisseled into the rock and so close to the water that you nearly get wet feet. The whole area became a Unesco World Heritage site in 1997.Hallstatt is embedded in towering mountains. Salt in the hills above the town have made it a centre of salt mining. The skull house is absolutely worth seeing. If you open your eyes you will discover some stories from the old days.
another nice day starts
waiting for the ferry
briefing at the ferry with the Rockie :-)
there is always something to laugh
the girls coming from the "Kaiservilla"
the excess starts at the Zauner coffee place
this hedgehogs look scared - they know we gonna eat them soon
Gaby and Marlene
Hallstätter See
The Hallstatt Charnel House existed since the 12th century. 1200 skulls are there, 610 of these are painted and arranged according to family names and are marked with the date of death. As the graveyard was very small, and space was very restricted with no room to extend, the graves were opended again 10 -20 years after the burial. The skulls were removed, cleaned and bleached by the sun and moon for some weeks, until the skulls took on a mild ivory colour.
"You are where I once was, I am where you will one day be"
Hallstatt - since a Chinese copied the city of Hallstatt in China 600.000 Asians coming every year
some impression of Hallstatt
The girls couldn`t get enough. At the hotel we changed batteries and went on a detour to Gosausee. Humboldt said it is the most beautiful one on this planet (and maybe he was right) framed by the Dachstein glacier, appr. 7000 ft.high.
Day 3: Fuschl - Gmunden
The batteries are charged – lets go! The day started with an enjoyable ferry ride to St. Wolfgang, which offers different views of the lake and the landscape around. We can`t leave the Wolfgangsee without having a closer look to the charming town of St. Wolfgang. Back to our bicycles we`peddled along the Wolfgangsee and on a small cycling trail along the river Ischl. We climbed up the Weißenbach Valley and on the other side we rolled down towards the Attersee, the largest lake in Salzkammergut and the less visted one. Gmunden, located at Traunsee, Austria`s deepest lake, is our destination for tonight.
directly on the river Weissenbach
Attersee - beautiful and less tourism
Tourguide Lukas was to fast for the camera
at our hotel directly on the Traunsee
2. Day: Salzburg - Fuschl
After breakfast we leave lovely Salzburg. We hop on the train for about 20 km to escape city traffic. Your bicycles will wait for you in Seekirchen at Wallersee. The German word for lake is „See“, and we will have lots of them today. One lake after the other – Grabensee, Mattsee, Mondsee, Irrsee. Leisure cycling trails along the lake shore will give you a clue what is waiting for you the next days.
everybody is a bit exciting
Sarah and her special shirt
first stop - Obertrumer See
Tonis Bauernschänke - delicious local food
Irsee - the next beautiful lake on the list
Gaby and Marlene
the guys on the carriage had already quite a bit of wine and talked to the ladies in strongest Austrian dialect
If you are allergic to the film „Sound of Music“ there is just one piece of advice: skip town.
The Parish Church form the 15th century with its yellow baroque facade was the highly emotional place for the Trapp wedding in the movie.
after a serious ascent which the girls managed easily, we had a wonderful view down to Lake Fuschl!
We made it - 80 km and 1.100 m in altitude today
1. Day: Arrival in Salzburg
Edelweiss opened up a new adventure on 2 wheels - E-Bicycle Tours. Our first one - the Austrian Lake District - is about to start.
waiting for the guests in our lovely hotel downtown Salzburg
everything prepared for the welcome briefing
the Colorado girls are ready to go and....
are listening carefully to Lukas` introduction of the bicycles
our CEO Rainer Buck is also on the tour
Salzburg has to offer enough sights to fill a week. Mozart's birthplace, the dome, fortress Hohensalzburg and Mirabell Palace are just some of them. Many scenes of the Sound of Music were shot here, you can even join a tour that points out all the sights. The famous Getreidegasse is home to many shops, where you can (and will) find all the souvenirs you need for those that had to stay at home.
after welcome briefing and handover of the bicycles we took them to a guided city walk through town
Marlene and Gaby make the group complete
Drucie and the Hohensalzburg fortress in the background
famous Getreidegasse
Mozart`s birthplace
Marlene and Klaus (he is the only one which is not on an E-Bike, shame on you :-) )
Konditorrei Fürst - inventor of the Mozart "balls"
the graves of the cementary St. Peter are mini art works
last not least we had dinner in the oldest restaurant in town and of course we had to try "Salzburger Nockerln"