8BA The Kingdom of Fjords and Glaciers
The steepest railroad in the world, the most beautiful cycling path Norway`s and a lonely, scenic valley are on our schedule for today. We leave Voss and roll along the Kleivelvi river to Mjoelfjell. We had enough time to enjoy a self-roasted coffee at the Mountain Lodge. Once again we`ll hop on the Bergenbahn, which brings us through the tunnel to Myrdal.Here begins the most spectacular railroad in Norway and the steepest in the world. It stretches from Myradal to Aurlandsfjord, a smaller fjord next to the giant Sogneford. Now it starts - we cycle along Rallarvegen, one of the most beautiful cycle paths in Norway. It was once a supply route for the train construction. Our destination for tonight is Flam on the Aurlandsfjord. The Flam bahnen Museums shows you what efforts where necessary to construct this railroad. Die steilste Eisenbahnstrecke der Welt, der schönste Radweg Norwegens und ein einsames, wunderschönes Tal stehen heute auf dem Programm. Wir verlassen Voss und rollen immer entlang des Kleivelvi Flusses in Richtung Mjoelfjell. Wir nehmen nocheinmal die Bergenbahn,die uns durch den Tunnel nach Myrdal bringt. Vorher trinken wir in der Mountain Lodge bei Christian einen selbst gerösteten Kaffee. In Myrdal beginnt die spektakulärste Eisenbahnstrecke Norwegens, von Myrdal bis zum Aurlandsfjord, einem Nebenarm des riesigen Sognefjords. Die Radler erwartet der Rallarvegen, die schönste Fahrradstrecke Norwegens, einst Versorgungsstraße für den Bau der Bahn. Unser heutiges Ziel ist Flam am Aurlandsfjord. Das Flam Bahnen Museum zeigt die Anstrengungen die gemacht wurden um diese steile Bahnverbindung herzustellen.
After a delightful breakfast we cycle to Aurland and have a quick coffee stop. We collect all our superpowers. As a big climb is waiting for us. 1300 altimeters, 4300 feet. Half way up we visit the beautiful view point Stegastein, at least most of us. Sarah is already at the top of the mountain. Machine. She flew up the mountain! We take it easy and enjoy the few on the way up. When we finally reach the top its time for a great snow fight! Yeah, you read right. The street we are on is also known as "Snøwegen" (Snowstreet). You may find snow here all year long. The best part about cycling a long way up? A) you get rewarded with an amazing view. B) you get to ride it all back down. Yippi!
One of the most scenic boat rides into the Fjaerland Fjord is on the program today. We first cycle along the coast of the Sognefjord. The cycling path is so close to the water that you could nearly dip in your feet. The Sognefjord is the second longest fjord in the world. Here is the fruitbasket of Norway. According to the mild climate apples growing as well as delicious raspberries and cherries. We load the bikes on the boat which takes us from Hella to Fjærland. The ride through the 25 km long FjærlandFjord is stunningly picturesque, it is maybe the most beautiful boatrides on this planet. Fjærland is only about 10 km away from the glacier slopes of the Jostedalsbreen glacier. Our hotel is directly located at the fjord. Heute steht eine spektakuläre Bootsfahrt in den Fjaerland Fjord auf dem Programm, vielleicht die schönste Bootstour der Welt. Aber zuerst rollen wir entlang der Küste des Sognefjords und zwar so nahe am Wasser, dass wir die Füße hineinstrecken könnten. Der Sognefjord ist der zweitlängste Fjord der Welt. Hier ist das Südtirol Norwegens. Aufgrund des milden Klimas wachsen Äpfel, Kirschen und leckere Himbeeren. In Hella steigen wir auf die Fähre nach Fjaerland. Malerisch ist die Fahrt durch den 25 km langen Fjærland Fjord, nur ca. 10 km entfernt von den Gletscherzungen des Jostedalsbreen Gletschers. Bis 1995 war Fjærland nur per Boot erreichbar. Aber bereits die Wikinger siedelten hier. Direkt am Fjord ist unser Hotel.
Our day starts with a beautiful climb of 550 highmeters. Of course we do not only get rewarded with another great view on a sunny day but also with a fun ride down! We pass by a little town called Utvik and find a little market. Of course with a group of five curious ladies we can´t just pass by, so we lock our bikes and go discover. We get to try some delicious salmon and sweet mustard, as well as licorice and find beautiful hand knit sweaters, gloves and socks. Afterwards we ride aside the Innvikfjord till we get to Olden. We have a little snack break and hopp back on the bikes. Our last stop for today: Brikdalsbre. We pass by two beautiful lakes. The color of the water seems unrealistic, turquois-blue. In Briksdalsbre we take the Troll-car which brings us straigt to the Brisksdal Glacier. What a beautiful experiece. And after our visit in the museum yesterday it´s great to see a real glacier from such a close distance! Do you know why glaciers seem to be blue in color? We do!
Today's highlight is the fjord of the fjords, the Geiranger. It is a Unesco World Cultural Heritage Site and a duty visit for every Norwegian traveler. The Geiranger fjord has a steep slope, snow-capped peaks and enchanting waterfalls. We enjoyed the ferry ride into the fjord despite the rain. Das heutige Highlight ist der Fjord der Fjorde – Geiranger – UNESCO Weltkulturerbe und Pflicht für jeden Norwegen Reisenden. Der Geiranger Fjord begeistert mit schroff abfallenden Felswänden, schneebedeckten Gipfeln und bezaubernden Wasserfällen. Wir haben uns den Genuß der Fährfahrt vom Regen nicht nehmen lassen.
Motto of the day: Cake ´n´ Jump We leave the beautiful geiranger on the Eagle´s Road. 11 Switchbacks bring us up to a hight of 628hm and to a great view point. Whereas it was cold and cloudy in the morning the sun is coming up at noon. What a beautiful day! We ride back down to a little town calles Eidsdalen, where we visit the great chocolate pop up store which let´s our chocolates heart beat a little faster. Brownies, cake, cookies, home made icecream, hot chocolate... we´ve tried them all! From Eidsdalen we take the ferry to Linge and ride on to our hotel in Valldal, the incredible Valldal Fjord Hotel. The afternoon we spent in the "strawberry valley". In Valldal they harvest 10% of Norways strawberries. We ride through the strawberry fields and of course we stop at Jordbearstova for the famous strawberry cake! ... wait, is that our second cake today?
We leave the strawberry heaven and cycle along the coast of Storfjord. We cross the fjord twice today by ferry. With a length of 110 km, it is the 5th longest fjord in Norway. Our final destination is Ålesund. After the sweeping fire of 1904, it was rebuilt in characteristic Art Nouveau style. Canals and bridges add to the harbor atmosphere so that the town with its turrets, spires, and gargoyles is also nicknamed “Little Venice”. Wir verlassen das Erdbeertal und radeln entlang der Küste des Storfjords. Wir kreuzen ihn heute zweimal mit der Fähre. Mit 110 km Länge ist es der 5.Längste in Norwegen. Unser Ziel ist Ålesund, das 1904 von einem verheerenden Feuer zerstört wurde und im damals charakteristischen Jugendstil wieder aufgebaut wurde. Die vielen Kanäle, Brücken und die Hafenatmosphäre gaben ihr den Beinamen "Klein-Venedig".